Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the yearly analysis

as a usual tradition
with only few days left for the new year
a thing i always do

(a yearly analysis plan)
where in you look back into the year
and look at all the things that you have gained, the things you lost, the lessons you had learned
and so on and so forth

and so its also my part into looking to what my year has given me
and what i have been able to do

its a way to imrpove one's self
to look into ones achievements
and to grow

along with that you might want to make a rough sketch of draft
for your new year resolution

although doubt dose arise
on whether it will be done or not

besides that point

its always good to see what you have done, and to reflect on what you may do later on

i suggest you all try it, even if you were doubtful of that happening !

Friday, December 23, 2011

opportunities ...

ever thought sometimes
you are lucky and that you are blessed
having opportunities

and someitmes feeling unlucky
that you are not getting anything
and that you are waiting on that opportunity

i learned today
that sometimes in life you need to create those opportunities
in order to get that opportunity and feel lucky

its never a (sit and wait) situation
although it can work
but trust me it never dose

that is now how things go

you need to "break a leg" and take that first foot step
and take that leap of faith

a personal story i share with you all
and let you be the judge

just yesterday
after a long time of not following up
with the local naitonal agency of recruitment
i just went in and made the usual followup
the councerlour their gave me an opportunity
now the rest of the story is unknown for now
since it only happened recently

stories of opportunities come up like this

you make that effort
something comes up
and you take your chances
(and make mistakes) hopefully not (LOL)

and fish out on your own
opportunity !

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

OMG i doomed myself

lets face it ...

we make mistakes
its ok to make mistakes
it actually gives us a story to talk about
when ever we meet up with people !

(like remember that time when i took a course in time management ... it was totally useless)

its issues like that that keeps on coming
we make a decision, we then regret it

like what i have done recently
when i decided to start working at a new place
where then i discovered i probably made a mistake

but it is ok for it to happen
its these mistakes that makes us more wiser people
its such mistakes that makes us
towards doing the right thing !

and thus all you have to do is
seek out that opportunity .......

(to be continued to opportunities article ....)

Sunday, December 11, 2011


it was last year 
Specifically at November 

where it all sparked as an idea 
and then developed 
and so became the very blog that i write in
which was all about life... and stuff ... and everything else that follows 

unfortunately i have gotten busy lately 
that i haven't realized that it passed almost a year

however i announce it now and say
Happy Birthday dear blog 
we have had a wonderful 1 year 
hope for many years to come
many readers to benefit from 
the articles 

and more ideas to spark from and to share from you readers to other readers!

then why am i having second thoughts?

recently i had the chance to take on a new opportunity 
which was of course a new job !

it was a new company and a new task
i was excited at the start i was hoping that i would 
do well in this new job 

and i was hopping for more experience to be gained from it 

new job, new company, new challenge
its just a brand new world waiting for it to be expolred


something bothered me in the back of my head
what was it? i wondered for quite some time
why was i feeling a tad bit bothered?

and it was actually right to feel like that
since i am stepping out to the light
stepping out into reality 
and out of that comfort zone which i talked in another article about

it was a new place
with new experiences
and a whole lot of stuff to wait for

its safe to say that it was okay for me to have second thoughts
and that thoughts to get abolished by 
slowly getting familiarized by the whole situation

in the end

its safe to have second thoughts once you stepped out of your comfort zone
only to get used to the new situation that you are in 
and get familiarized with it 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

possible yet impossible

The other day I had quite an enlightening conversation, were we (me and my friend) casually
Just talked aboutrandom stuff

When we suddenly talked about our wish lists
Mine was a more (materialistic) wish list
Were I name a few items I would like to acquire
Among those items was a new camcorder
And the other item was actually repairing an item I already had

Aside from that matter
My list had a materialistic sounding to it, items and items came in line

Then my friend started and asked
"Do you want to know what my wish list is?"

And I answered him yes tell me

He then started with his list

* I want to quit smoking
* I want to lose weight
* I want to settle down and start a family

Wow at that moment I kind of felt a big enormous feeling of shame
Since all that I wanted was materialistic stuff
And my friend was wishing for things that were generally bigger

I did feel at that moment that maybe I was a bit immature to think of materialistic issues
He goes on and explains
“I took it as a way in my life to wish for impossible yet possible wishes"

And he was right look at the wishes that he asked for
*to quite smoking (since he was a smoker)
It is possible for him to quit, but it’s impossible to go ahead with it

The nature of the wishes were possible to do, but impossible to undergo and have
The diligence to continue on the hard work to achieve

Yet he wishes to do so and one day achieve such wish

We tend to wish all the time, its ok for us to wish for a bigger house, a fancy car or even
Have those super cool fancy expensive shoes

But it’s always BETTER to have a self improvement wish
For having a better life

And remember; be careful for what you wish for
Cause you just might get it

And when you get it.... well lets take that to another article (=D)  

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The greatest human experience (2)

It is such an interesting title
Anything that goes under the tile of greatest human experience
We can learn alot from such human experience

Which makes a good series to talk about?
Or maybe to think of starting off =D

But let’s take it from here and see where it may go

-Back to the article-

Recently I have officially graduated and I have been able to successfully take all the documents
Needed for my graduation

As I went to my university
To finalize all the paper work that was in the way
I passed through the my collage
Seeing all the corners and all the teachers
Passing through all the classes

Brought all of a sudden a sense of nostalgia
A sense of yearning to get back
To those seats and those classes and computer labs

It took me time
To realize that I have missed that place
Even though I have had a (love, hate) relation towards my university and collage
And how now it turned to be a "maximum security facility"
Even though I still like
I still like all those corners, classes, seats and benches

I recall all the times I spent in each and every corner and class
And even though I have to be happy that I have graduated
I still feel sad for leaving a place that grew on me
A place which up until now cannot believe that I have spent
Five years of my life at

Faced many people and faced many stories
Funny and interesting
Sad and happy ones too

We are suppose to grow up to take on new challenges and responsibilities
But we will still yearn to those times
When we were still at the start of it thinking we are all the best at it
Surely they were right when they said
Collage is a defining period in the life of youth

It shapes up our personalities and makes us what we are
It may not prepaid us for what to expect but
It teaches us what we could do if we were ever faced with such situation

And even though I am positive
Many will disagree with me
And disagree that it’s a joyous thing actually
To get rid of a burden
To graduate from University Of Bahrain "UOB"

But I personally will say
I will miss it
Though I know deep down I am happy for getting rid
Of all that hassle
But I will miss the experience

None the less this is how it is suppose to be
We are supposed to grow to see and experience!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The greatest human experience

Now before we venture into the article I would like to say
For starters the article may disappoint some people
For it may be subjective to them
The whole subject of the greatest thing!
However this is just an experience I would like to share with you all

Moving on to the main subject

It’s amazing what a person can face in life, and it’s more amazing what he finds along the way
Whether it’s something good or its something bad

Personally I have been "and I admit openly"
That I have been blindly optimistic about the good in humanity
In an age where skepticism and negativity over clouds us all
From seeing what is real and in an age where materiality
And looking after one's benefit and interest in life

And in this day and age everything is getting a bit more complicated
Than it used to be before
Where the goodness in people started to fade out ever so quickly
Or sometimes is hidden just for the sake of protecting one's character
From being viciously taken advantage on

Its crazy and its true!

It’s also amazing how some people can be hypocritical
Showing an image, then all of a sudden they are different people

What is amazing in this all?
Is still finding that goodness in someone
And I am talking about pure goodness

Mother Teresa once said "the goodness you do in your life will be forgotten tomorrow, do good anyway"

And it’s amazing how someone might be willing to do that goodness
Even though it will be forgotten tomorrow

The other day
I sat with a friend (who I met for just a very short period of time)
But what was amazing was that
It felt like we knew each other for a very long time
It is as if we have broke the ice already
And there are no boundaries personally

It was also strange
Being "some what" a stranger
We sometimes tend to be a bit more open towards them
And we express more openly towards them

That was the case in this situation,
Where plain raw emotions just came out
"To the extent of crying"

It’s truly an amazing human experience
When you face someone for the first time
Who after only few casual meet ups and gatherings
And random chats
He is ready to vouch in for their newly made friend's safety

At this age where innocence is lost
Faith is gained again
By these few rare people

We may remain skeptical
Towards them
And view them with a suspicious sense

But hey ... life is short
And mistakes are inevitable

Let us all enjoy the pleasure of meeting up with
Such honorable people!

And P.S salamat kaibigan =)

Friday, October 14, 2011

i owe you .... a first impression

the other day i had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine
we were talking about first impressions

and how he had his first impression about me 
he said that "first impressions can be subject to be false and some time true"
he carried on to talk about what he thought when he saw me
"and when i first saw you i thought you weren't the type of person who can carry out
a conversation, or who could be a knowledgeable person" 

aside from what he said, i never realized how true 
this can be until i have been in such situation

recently i met personally a public figure who was
quite popular locally 
the first impression i got personally was when i saw him 
in an event and i concluded as a first impression that he was
a bit too much and a bit over acting  since he was the host of the event

of course that was a very long time ago 
and may how the tables turn and how events of life unfold as you go further

i got the privilege "and i will admit it was such an honor" 
to meet up with him and to talk personally (one on one) 
with him 

at that first situation i was only a spectator 
but now i got the chance to see the other personal side 
that no one sees !

i will have to admit 
First impressions can be false !!! 

that is what i have learned 
we surely don't know much, thus we sometimes tend to be too judgmental
and at time we can be a bit unfair towards people who we meet at first
and who leave quite of an impression towards us

but one thing for sure, 
there is always another chance
as i got the chance to change how i saw the matter
and again first impressions can be wrong 
like what my friend said in the beginning of this article 

and PS ... 
i owe you a first impression =D 

Saturday, October 8, 2011


hello again dear readers
yes i have been abcent for sometime but here i am again

and at this time of abcense from this small humble space
i have been living life, to try and capture something from it
to share it with you all

plentyfull are the things that i have captured
during this time but lets begin with the title of this topic

recently i have personally encountered a few situations,
problems shall we say

and of course, probelms come in bulk
they dont come in single packages
they always come in one problem successing another one

and in the middle of it all
it just makes you scream out from the top of your lungs

why is it that all those problems are happening to me?
and its happening to only me?
how come only me who gets all these problems?

truth be told this happens to all of us
its not just one person who gets problems
we all get problems one way or another
and yes they do come in different ways and forums
but its not always a (WHY ME) situation

from a previous article i have mentioned that dire situations occure
at any moment in life

its how we are all sculptured to be the best people we are
thus the reason for those problems to come in bulk
and to come personally to us is to make us the best that we are !
there is always a reason for the things that happen to us in our life
difficult or easy or whatever situation it is, there is a reason and there is a purpose

its not always a WHY ME situation !
and if it were to be a WHY ME situation,
then ... deffinitly you are looking at the situation from a wrong angel

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Time management

It was a personal story
That started all of this talk about "time management"

And it goes a little like this:

A friend of mine sat with me for a cup of coffee and explained
How a "mutual friend" we have, is falling behind from doing the things he want to do
And he keeps on going on and talking about how he fell completely behind of everything

He lacks the time to finish up small minor tasks that can be finished in minimum required time
He lacks the ability to concentrate on a single task
He cannot say no to certain tasks and prioritize thus accumulating alot 
He dose not have sense of time where everything is somewhat lost
And for him to plan for something he would need time to do it
Then gets back to do the job

This is one typical situation is a “book case” for a time management issue
And time management is just as easy as “ABC”

With few basic guidelines to set personally
Simple prioritization of tasks
With determination and concentration on the task being worked on
And some sort of knowledge of the day ahead and the tasks that may follow

You can avoid such situations
Were everything is lost and everything is disorganized

The worst thing to have in this issue
Is to lose things because of lacking time management skills
When the problem is simple and can be solved and is avoidable

Saturday, September 3, 2011

%5 - %95

First of all dear readers
a very happy "Belated" eid to you all
may the blessings of the almighty be bestowed upon you all

Secondly moving on to our main topic of discussion
and to our subject of writting and sharing

i recently recalled an interesting meeting, boring topic to be honest
and surely it was a scam i was being convinced to get into
besides that point

the interesting part which i recalled from that conversation
was when the person talking started off with this phrase which i quote
" there are two catagories which the people in the world fit in , %5 and %95"

and she explained and elaborated more on the topic saying :

%95 are the people who live life on a very mundane routine
eat- sleep -work ..etc

%5 are the people who want to live off on the extreme
doing something a bit different for a change

this small part i recall, from all "uninteresting" attempt into trying to sell me a concept
and this part is the only part which i still like to think about more, and now to elaborate it more into an article

it seems to be true, we tend to fit either or into these two catagories, we either live off life on the extreme
or live it like the %95 percent of the population on this planet
(eat - sleep - work ...etc)

some feel more inclined towards living off life safely
and its due to their own perspective in this issue

and ofcourse some are inclined towards living in the extreme trying to live each day
as if its the last day on earth

life objectives play a part in this matter too, since its those objectives that give out a reason
to live each day in life, not just to live it off (eating, sleeping, working)

to think about it we all will try and explre that part sooner or later
since we might fall eventually into the prison of mundane routine

and come to think about it, life is short
love, play, enjoy, laugh, forgive and forget

your mere exsitance on this planet (or in this life) is limited
living the bulk of it doing all that mundane activities is wasteful

Get an objective to live for in life, and then work for it ! 

Friday, August 19, 2011

comfort zones

first i would like to apologize for it may seem 
that i haven't posted this article earlier 

i recently started my "Industrial Training" 
and i have now spent my first week there 
all in all it was a great first week which certainly is an experience to talk about 
and it goes like this :

-a week earlier-
i signed up for my industrial training at the same company my dad is working in
so they call me up and say that i will be starting off right about the beginning of the week
much to my surprise my father came to me and said: Guess what? you will be also working with me
in the same section i am in !!!!

there i thought hard about the last sentence that was said 
(the same section i am in) 
the only thing that went through my mind was
this could be the best thing i have ever heard or ...
the worst thing that could ever happen !

thus the week began and i started work 
i felt so miserable for some reason i thought maybe
i should have been somewhere else
i should have been doing something else
something better
anything in anywhere at least not this !
however, as the days went by at the job i discover slowly how it was not bad after all 
yeah sure there is that shivering feeling that you have family just a cubicle away from you
and that you will have to go to work and see family there !

but all in all this was suppose to happen 
i was suppose to step out of the "comfort zone"
we need to face challenges and see them as opportunities !

we tend to be like that 
we tend to want predictability and stability
we tend to seek out that monotonous life 
which has order,stability, regularity, predictability!

we end up having a boring uninspired life, then we seek out that opportunity to get out of this vicious thing
that we went into, however we then feel that sudden fear of the uncertain, and that feeling that you want to crawl back to the monotonous routine you used to have !


you are bound to step out any time you might as well prepare your self to it 
so start going out of your comfort zone and get rid of all your fears
don't miss out on what life might bring you
you can start off small 
try something new, it can be anything, it could be a
- new hair cut
-taking on new hobbies
-change the activities that you used to do

its all this small "painless" activities that can help you step out of that comfort zone 
and remember you also need a proper mind set, its the proper thinking and positive attitude, that also helps out in such situation which keeps you going on !

Friday, August 5, 2011


we all know the process of communications
where by one message travels through a medium to get to the receiver by a sender

to begin our topic let us check out this conversation which occurred via (Instant messaging) 

Person A : All i wanted is for you to care, and not to criticize
I really did not want to hear anyone tell me that i should have known better !

Person B: again you are nagging about nothing and going on with the drama !

Person A : i am sorry i may have said a lot but i just said what was on my mind 
and spilled what is in my heart 

Person B : I really don't have the time for this

This snippet of a conversation that happened recently to someone i know, who came to me with confusion 
and a bit of sadness too , this dear readers is the root of miss-communications which can occur on any level
friendship, relationships, spouses, even in the work place

it happens because of not disclosing information, or even misinterpreting information 
that and (not to fully blame it) technology had its hand in it, due to the advent of High speed communications
(Emails, Instant messaging ...etc) 
communicating got devalued from the face-to-face communication 
it has became what is known as (asynchronous) wow that is a big word LOL

that is a factor since what happened in that conversation occurred through instant messaging 

and due to that, we would tend to do alot of mistakes through out the process
which can actually make it more worse

since we as human beings, at such situations we tend to assume the worst scenario 
Example : He must be hiding something !!!
and we would leave out other factors and other possibilities and focus on the
worst scenario 
(Person B might be having a rough day and probably did not need more stress)

its actually the latter, that we need the most at such situations
we need to have that open mind, we need to have that logic to keep us from wandering off
to worst possible scenarios thus decisions !

However we would not be able to fend those thoughts off 
but we can enlist them as one possibility out of numerous possibilities !
(again there could be many reasons)

to avoid such situation in the future one can also avoid "Demanding" 
demanding is just one way of bossing around in relationships 
and is a miss-communicated work objective
(if a worker cannot see that, it is his job to work as he his required too)
 sympathy and understanding along with consideration
must be taken into account to be able to have an effective communication 

and also we should remember 
what is said can be different from what you think you understood 
those go into two extremes (Saying and understanding what really was said in the process)

one should also put into consideration that sometimes along the process one can get carried away 
emotionally ... which is a big mistake because mistakes (by default) occur within the heap of the moment

in the end it pays to just listen and see what is wrong 
to finally reach into an understanding and to solve the problems !

PS have a blessed Ramadhan dear readers =)