Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the yearly analysis

as a usual tradition
with only few days left for the new year
a thing i always do

(a yearly analysis plan)
where in you look back into the year
and look at all the things that you have gained, the things you lost, the lessons you had learned
and so on and so forth

and so its also my part into looking to what my year has given me
and what i have been able to do

its a way to imrpove one's self
to look into ones achievements
and to grow

along with that you might want to make a rough sketch of draft
for your new year resolution

although doubt dose arise
on whether it will be done or not

besides that point

its always good to see what you have done, and to reflect on what you may do later on

i suggest you all try it, even if you were doubtful of that happening !

Friday, December 23, 2011

opportunities ...

ever thought sometimes
you are lucky and that you are blessed
having opportunities

and someitmes feeling unlucky
that you are not getting anything
and that you are waiting on that opportunity

i learned today
that sometimes in life you need to create those opportunities
in order to get that opportunity and feel lucky

its never a (sit and wait) situation
although it can work
but trust me it never dose

that is now how things go

you need to "break a leg" and take that first foot step
and take that leap of faith

a personal story i share with you all
and let you be the judge

just yesterday
after a long time of not following up
with the local naitonal agency of recruitment
i just went in and made the usual followup
the councerlour their gave me an opportunity
now the rest of the story is unknown for now
since it only happened recently

stories of opportunities come up like this

you make that effort
something comes up
and you take your chances
(and make mistakes) hopefully not (LOL)

and fish out on your own
opportunity !

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

OMG i doomed myself

lets face it ...

we make mistakes
its ok to make mistakes
it actually gives us a story to talk about
when ever we meet up with people !

(like remember that time when i took a course in time management ... it was totally useless)

its issues like that that keeps on coming
we make a decision, we then regret it

like what i have done recently
when i decided to start working at a new place
where then i discovered i probably made a mistake

but it is ok for it to happen
its these mistakes that makes us more wiser people
its such mistakes that makes us
towards doing the right thing !

and thus all you have to do is
seek out that opportunity .......

(to be continued to opportunities article ....)

Sunday, December 11, 2011


it was last year 
Specifically at November 

where it all sparked as an idea 
and then developed 
and so became the very blog that i write in
which was all about life... and stuff ... and everything else that follows 

unfortunately i have gotten busy lately 
that i haven't realized that it passed almost a year

however i announce it now and say
Happy Birthday dear blog 
we have had a wonderful 1 year 
hope for many years to come
many readers to benefit from 
the articles 

and more ideas to spark from and to share from you readers to other readers!

then why am i having second thoughts?

recently i had the chance to take on a new opportunity 
which was of course a new job !

it was a new company and a new task
i was excited at the start i was hoping that i would 
do well in this new job 

and i was hopping for more experience to be gained from it 

new job, new company, new challenge
its just a brand new world waiting for it to be expolred


something bothered me in the back of my head
what was it? i wondered for quite some time
why was i feeling a tad bit bothered?

and it was actually right to feel like that
since i am stepping out to the light
stepping out into reality 
and out of that comfort zone which i talked in another article about

it was a new place
with new experiences
and a whole lot of stuff to wait for

its safe to say that it was okay for me to have second thoughts
and that thoughts to get abolished by 
slowly getting familiarized by the whole situation

in the end

its safe to have second thoughts once you stepped out of your comfort zone
only to get used to the new situation that you are in 
and get familiarized with it