Saturday, September 10, 2011

Time management

It was a personal story
That started all of this talk about "time management"

And it goes a little like this:

A friend of mine sat with me for a cup of coffee and explained
How a "mutual friend" we have, is falling behind from doing the things he want to do
And he keeps on going on and talking about how he fell completely behind of everything

He lacks the time to finish up small minor tasks that can be finished in minimum required time
He lacks the ability to concentrate on a single task
He cannot say no to certain tasks and prioritize thus accumulating alot 
He dose not have sense of time where everything is somewhat lost
And for him to plan for something he would need time to do it
Then gets back to do the job

This is one typical situation is a “book case” for a time management issue
And time management is just as easy as “ABC”

With few basic guidelines to set personally
Simple prioritization of tasks
With determination and concentration on the task being worked on
And some sort of knowledge of the day ahead and the tasks that may follow

You can avoid such situations
Were everything is lost and everything is disorganized

The worst thing to have in this issue
Is to lose things because of lacking time management skills
When the problem is simple and can be solved and is avoidable

Saturday, September 3, 2011

%5 - %95

First of all dear readers
a very happy "Belated" eid to you all
may the blessings of the almighty be bestowed upon you all

Secondly moving on to our main topic of discussion
and to our subject of writting and sharing

i recently recalled an interesting meeting, boring topic to be honest
and surely it was a scam i was being convinced to get into
besides that point

the interesting part which i recalled from that conversation
was when the person talking started off with this phrase which i quote
" there are two catagories which the people in the world fit in , %5 and %95"

and she explained and elaborated more on the topic saying :

%95 are the people who live life on a very mundane routine
eat- sleep -work ..etc

%5 are the people who want to live off on the extreme
doing something a bit different for a change

this small part i recall, from all "uninteresting" attempt into trying to sell me a concept
and this part is the only part which i still like to think about more, and now to elaborate it more into an article

it seems to be true, we tend to fit either or into these two catagories, we either live off life on the extreme
or live it like the %95 percent of the population on this planet
(eat - sleep - work ...etc)

some feel more inclined towards living off life safely
and its due to their own perspective in this issue

and ofcourse some are inclined towards living in the extreme trying to live each day
as if its the last day on earth

life objectives play a part in this matter too, since its those objectives that give out a reason
to live each day in life, not just to live it off (eating, sleeping, working)

to think about it we all will try and explre that part sooner or later
since we might fall eventually into the prison of mundane routine

and come to think about it, life is short
love, play, enjoy, laugh, forgive and forget

your mere exsitance on this planet (or in this life) is limited
living the bulk of it doing all that mundane activities is wasteful

Get an objective to live for in life, and then work for it !