Thursday, November 25, 2010

Over thinking !

Let's face it !
we do it sometimes
and sometimes we just don't feel it 
yet we still do it 
and it will always be there !

Over thinking !
you find yourself sometimes having thoughts and thinking about them
sometimes you chose to think "thoroughly" about those thoughts 

one thing we sometimes do is just "over think things" 
we tend to be so precise about details and about small minor issues 
don't get me wrong, but there is a thin line between deeply thinking and just OVER thinking 

we tend to do this because we want to avoid any mistakes possible so we tend to think of 
"What could happen" scenarios 

again there is a thin line between wanting to avoid mistakes and 
just letting lose of your wild imaginations and 
just thinking too much  
some consider over thinking as a warning sign of anxiety problems

So make a pact with yourself 
and go by the arabic proverb:

إعقلها و توكل على الله 
(Trust in Allah but tether your camel)

Monday, November 22, 2010

organized mess

Lets face it everybody ...
we as human beings come in packages 

some of us come in nicely packed and covered package 
and some of us come in a damaged package 

i mean by package ... all the humanly stories we have, experiences, teachings, and feelings, our overall personality that we exhibit on the outside and inside

the fact is we do come in different packages, but actually its all about the package its self 
life sculptures us along the way, we learn, gain, and lose everyday 
sometimes what we learn, gain and lose is just a total mess 
what life throws at us messes us up

that package its self is a mess ! 
once we examine it up close we see it for what it really is
A mess !!!! 

yet those mess ups all come together that forum the personality that is US 
and for some reason get organized and also along the way we learn to get organized !

in the end ... what we really are ...who we truly are ... 
we are all an organized mess !  

Friday, November 12, 2010

cry me a river ... build a bridge ... and get over it !

So ... life hits us hard !
no doubt about that 
in every minute something bad happens to us 
and it messes up the uneventful flow of our lives !

at that point some of us break down to the blow of the hit,
some of us react fast to that, some of us are less receptive to change
and some of us are more welcoming to it. 
but that is the whole point after all ...

it may be something old to talk about but hey ... we always end up in the same situation 
and we remain helpless 

"cry me a river ... build a bridge ... and get over it"
may seem like a harsh quote 
and definitely is something we all heard at some point, 
yet it seems like its the only way to be able to overcome certain issues in life 
or even those "hard hits" that we get from life!

if there were another way ... surely it will still go below the quote of 
"moving on"
the method differs but the main idea remains !

dear friends and readers i know its an "already been discussed" topic 
yet again we will find ourselves in that vicious endless cycle 
we need to learn to get over it ! *end of lesson* 
we need to learn to distract ourselves and learn to Force it upon us 

its only then we will be able to learn ... and we will be able to see how it really is working
and after we really have learned that lesson we would discover that ... 
it was not worth it after all !

so cry today .. build your bridge when you are done .. and take off right away!

note: this topic is dedicate to one of my friends who had this quote 
and indirectly taught me and inspired me to write this topic .... 
Thank you "bradar" Mahmood !

Monday, November 8, 2010

All that you need

have you ever thought of .. what you really need ?
no i am not talking about a snazzy new outfit or a really cool new pair of shoes !

surely we all have needs ranging from the basic ones to the materialistic ones,
and well .. sometimes there is that ... unexplained need 
that need that hides in the back of your mind 
and sometimes all that we need is just ... a rest ! a break! ... a timeout! 

what i am going to say is not something new .. i think most of you "dear readers" 
know of what i am about to say .... 
dr.Charlotte kamel mentioned in a TV show about the "sleep diary" 
she describes it as the outlet of all ideas and thoughts of a person
and also the everyday happenings, she instructed "those who have troubles sleeping at night and in general"
to write down all those thoughts, happenings.

that way you would get a better sleep, and Dr.kamel was right about it
Sometimes all that we need is a pen or paper !
(ok if you want to write in a pencil i wont argue with that LOL)
but ... sometimes we are nagged by our own devils "thoughts and feelings"
making us not able to face what we really need to face in life.

thus comes the pen and paper to intervene
to create the door in which all our "devils" exit from !

so lets all try it out sometime =) 
* go into a neutral place (it can be anywhere)
* take a pen and paper or even a diary
* vent out all that you have in your mind and in your heart
* you don't need to be artistic in expressing your thoughts and feelings they can be bullet points too
* read all that you have written to realize its worth !

TC .... =)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

An "AHA" moment

have you ever felt that feeling , where when you read something ... then you go AHA!
you found the answer to what you have been looking for, and all of a sudden everything makes sense !

i will have to admit , personally i have had an on going conflict with both "My mind" and "My heart", both were demons of mythological weight, both had their own way, both had their own say.

now i know you are all going to tell me , Nooo the heart is only a muscle and everything happens in the brain .. and the brain is your MASTER ... lol ...ok never mind about that.

but it was true i always had conflicting thoughts and/or feelings, my mind being the voice of reason telling me to be the logical, sane, safe person and my heart being the one that wants to reach out and grab life live it day by day live it dream by dream, if i were to picture them my mind is a wise old man and my heart is a young spirited youth.

and though my unquenchable journey of self discovery, i have found many answers, as mentioned above one dictating that the mind is the master of all feelings and desires, and the mind is behind it all , and the other dictating that there is a heart that has its say and has its weight and place just as the brain.

and to be honest i have favored the latter, and discovered a lot through what people said, and shared.

and after finding the answer to the question it was truly ... an AHA moment ...
thoughts came one by one raining down on me urging me to write and to express and to say...
Follow your heart ... listen to it... live by your dreams ...

Not a life expert

I believe you are probably wondering what dose the title mean?
what dose it imply?

and a series of questions are running across your mind !
well ... to cut the long story short 

people tend to rely on "experts" in everything 
which is something given .. i mean if you were to seek for advice you would ask a professional !
(especially when it comes to money and career health ..etc)

and some if not all seek "psychological" help through psychologists and through personal therapists 
some do even seek help for the smallest of matters 

sometimes you don't need an expert
for those small "issues" that face you day to day ...
all you need is someone to relate to ... a person who is not a life expert
but had experienced what ever another person experienced 

and so all you need sometimes is people ... 
like me and you ... 
we all can share matters 
and we all can give our input into a certain situation 

which shows in the end ... you don't need an expert ;)
and i for one am not an expert ... LOL 

a welcome message

Hello everybody 
apa khabar 
and kamustaka ?

i have started this blog which is something that enhances both my Video blog that i am doing you youtube
and what ever thoughts i express here.

how ever here will be a place for thinking and contemplating, and also learning 
here in this space many thoughts will be shared
many opinions will be expressed
 and a whole lot of things will be written 

and you will all get the chance to express your thoughts and ideas 
we all learn and gain something in the end 

so take care for now and see you in another post =) 

for those interested you can catch me on youtube too