Monday, November 8, 2010

All that you need

have you ever thought of .. what you really need ?
no i am not talking about a snazzy new outfit or a really cool new pair of shoes !

surely we all have needs ranging from the basic ones to the materialistic ones,
and well .. sometimes there is that ... unexplained need 
that need that hides in the back of your mind 
and sometimes all that we need is just ... a rest ! a break! ... a timeout! 

what i am going to say is not something new .. i think most of you "dear readers" 
know of what i am about to say .... 
dr.Charlotte kamel mentioned in a TV show about the "sleep diary" 
she describes it as the outlet of all ideas and thoughts of a person
and also the everyday happenings, she instructed "those who have troubles sleeping at night and in general"
to write down all those thoughts, happenings.

that way you would get a better sleep, and Dr.kamel was right about it
Sometimes all that we need is a pen or paper !
(ok if you want to write in a pencil i wont argue with that LOL)
but ... sometimes we are nagged by our own devils "thoughts and feelings"
making us not able to face what we really need to face in life.

thus comes the pen and paper to intervene
to create the door in which all our "devils" exit from !

so lets all try it out sometime =) 
* go into a neutral place (it can be anywhere)
* take a pen and paper or even a diary
* vent out all that you have in your mind and in your heart
* you don't need to be artistic in expressing your thoughts and feelings they can be bullet points too
* read all that you have written to realize its worth !

TC .... =)


  1. i like it:)...butt some need cant be written..they need to be satisfied:p..

  2. surely that is needed =D
    sorry for the late reply i just saw it now =P
