Tuesday, May 10, 2011

times of crisis

Hello dear readers and followers
finally i have been able to come back to my blog
and to writing

after some time off cause of matters out of control 
i have been able to cope and return back

which brings us all to the topic of today 
(times of crisis)
now in a very broad definition of "crisis"
it is known to be as certain hurdle, difficulty, set back in life

the "crisis" can be anything, it could be personal
it could be external it could be just a small thing
but the person concerned with that matter sees it a big thing

we all face some sort of crisis in life
and its this point where we differ in, which is handling it!
most of us differ in their coping mechanism
towards the issues they face

some might break (literally) under pressure
some have high resiliency to what ever problems they face
crisis happen to test us 
and to teach us that life is not constant 
its ever so dynamic and changing 
at one point we are somewhere in another point we are somewhere else!

crisis MAKE us and create the real person that we are