Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why can't i get over it

So you have been in a certain situation in your life
it effected you in either a good way or a bad way

and then it came up to some sort of an unwanted ending

so we can talk about break ups form relationships 
since it is relate-able

but there are also other life situation where it ended in an undesired way

 - The loss of a loved one (a thing that is quite drastic)
- Reaching the end of a job 
- Having to go through new changes in your personal life
- Having to get accommodated to uneasy changes 

All those are examples, of how can one go through an agonizing experience
of having a void left in their lives and hearts 

to have to recuperate and to have to (Get over it) and continue with life

there has been a lot of topics and articles that i have personally wrote and talked about
i would recall a few but then there comes an annoying bit in this issue ...


That is the main issue that is bothering all who are trying to move on
but cannot move on.

That is Normal of course, its totally acceptable to have this happening 
to move on from a painful experience needs time 

It needs devotion and attention, and to achieve it you need to really devote yourself 
and give time mainly! 

It will be a painstaking process 
one only dreams of the end result
but keeps his head on the ground 

so don't worry if you don't get over it !

No one can tell for sure when they are really over it

However it takes time to get there
 and there is no clear pathway or a magic potion that will ease it all up

so take time and give yourself some time to be able to go through it.

Good luck everyone =) 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lies or disappointments?

Now this came across my mind the other day
as i thought thoroughly about this subject 

lets ask you all this question 

Would you like to be lied to ?

Or would you .... 

Prefer to face disappointments 

quite tough? No? Perhaps?

Might be challenging to ask, however some might also have a clear answer
some would prefer living a lie than to face a disappointment
some may have it the other way around, they prefer to face the disappointments
rather than face lies.

Lets do some definitions 

The feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by fulfillment of expectations

Intentionally providing false statements

let put these terms both in a story 
a Superior gave his two subordinates a task to finish upon an agreed time

Subordinate (A) the lair
Subordinate (B) the disappointment

through out the process of delivering the task 
these two common replies whenever the boss asks them

Subordinate (A) -  "Yes all is well and i am in the right track"
 Subordinate (B) - "Well ... there are a few things missing that i must do"

and as this continued until the due date
when this happened

Subordinate (A) - "The objectives haven't been met yet the task has been accomplished"
Subordinate (B) - "The project is almost complete however some time is needed to really finish it up"

i guess you can clearly see what i am talking about
and no it is not a management lesson

the liar will find a way to always give an excuse 
and the disappointment will tell the truth (maybe not all the time- but that is another point)

Yes they both may have not done the task given to them
within the allotted time 

but each had their reply towards the task 
whether it was a lie or a truth 

so we still ask the question
Would you prefer to have a lie 
or a disappointment ?

If the disappointment (was the truth)
and was the one that came in first

i can safely say (according to what i think) 
is better 

than to live in that "Lie" 

 where i would have gone through a certain expectation that 
i would be believing that lie that it will happen

then the disappointment was to hit at a later stage
and it will hit even harder as a result 

(but what if the disappointment was a lie?)

that is another story to consider 
which is double the amount of it all 

best solution "never expect anything from anyone" 

or that is not always the best solution is it?


- sometimes its best to be disappointed rather to be lead on and lied to 

- sometimes its not always the better alternative to have when someone disappoints you
and lies in the same time !

at least that is what i think

But what do you all think?
Do share your thoughts 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

obliterated faith in humanity

As this article may seem a bit dark and sad

yet it shed the light on a thing that seems more and more reoccurring these days
a close friend of mine and i sat together recently
and we both had a nostalgic conversation

bit by bit our conversations came along to bring some serious topics
we talked a lot about people who are around us
and we came to a conclusion 

but before we come to that conclusion lets go along bit by bit and see the stories that have been exchanged
between me and my friend.


Its fun sometimes when you meet new people, especially how you find someone who you can share things with on an intellectual level, that is how i explained to him my story as i told him how i met this new "friend"
who also shares similar cultural background with me, i explained how we both had quite a fun conversation
at times and serious yet fruitful conversations
the thing that hurts the most is how all that changed all of a sudden, when it seemed as if 
it was a one night thing and then ...

the conversations stopped!
and everything changed, nothing as it used to be before
conversations found a dead end the minute it started

Hi ... hello ... how are you ... good!
and that is how i realized that this friendship ended

it was an awesome relationship where you thought
you found good people in this world
and that i felt maybe this relationship should have been honored rightfully 
by gifting it what it deserves !
only to find that maybe perhaps it was too much some how

such is life ... 


The worst thing you find in life after finding out that you are preferred over someone else
is to discover that you are preferred over someone else in your family 
who actually is a bad person to begin with!

that is how my friend explained to me
how his family has been playing the preferring game
of one family member over him even though that preferred family member isn't a good person at all

and every time a conversation strikes up with this person 
there is the comparison thing going on
and the my friend is put under the spot light
compared to a bad person who is supposedly seen as good!

life really isn't fair ...


Its funny, yet it is extremely "lame"
when you make new acquaintances and they become friends

its only after that nice part where things start to boil up and bring interesting
turn of events to the whole relationship

"Friends with certain interests"

personally speaking i have one in particular
who i have help countless of times
and it was a "GIGANTIC" sort of help

"financial help in times of trouble"

that would accurately describe the sort of help that i offered

but when the roles reversed and it was suppose to be "pay back time"
there was nothing but extreme foolishness
and a lesson which was learnt the hard way

knowing only in the end
that there are people who actually do that
who are only your friend when you are doing good
and only want something from you

and who wont skip a heart beat in leaving
when they feel that they should leave

i admit

i was foolish enough to think maybe they cared .....


those stories and many more of those
which i am pretty sure you all have face one way or another
were you can relate to them

thus leading us all to ...

lose faith in humanity !