Sunday, December 11, 2011

then why am i having second thoughts?

recently i had the chance to take on a new opportunity 
which was of course a new job !

it was a new company and a new task
i was excited at the start i was hoping that i would 
do well in this new job 

and i was hopping for more experience to be gained from it 

new job, new company, new challenge
its just a brand new world waiting for it to be expolred


something bothered me in the back of my head
what was it? i wondered for quite some time
why was i feeling a tad bit bothered?

and it was actually right to feel like that
since i am stepping out to the light
stepping out into reality 
and out of that comfort zone which i talked in another article about

it was a new place
with new experiences
and a whole lot of stuff to wait for

its safe to say that it was okay for me to have second thoughts
and that thoughts to get abolished by 
slowly getting familiarized by the whole situation

in the end

its safe to have second thoughts once you stepped out of your comfort zone
only to get used to the new situation that you are in 
and get familiarized with it 

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