Tuesday, August 13, 2013

This friendship officially costed me ....

Ever thought a friendship can bear a cost on you?

well ideally no it should not

any sort of relationship be it friendship or even a loving relationship


but lets hold on to that thought for a second then move on to other points

what do we mean by (Cost) ?

well basically we mean the monetary value of cost
as in money cost

yes sometimes a relationship can have that "Costly" effect to it
what am i specifically talking about?

(Lending money and "I OWE YOU" situations)

that is one point which you should consider as the costs of a relationship

1- Having a relationship that will involve money and will drain you out of it

once it starts having that problem, its time to really reconsider if you want to continue with that relationship!

and a golden advice i got from the internet that clearly said

(If you lend your friend 50 bucks, and they don't give it back 
then it was worth that much of money) 

and lets move on to another point of cost, 

do you feel neglected? un-cared for? feeling like you are totally ignored in the relationship
while on the other hand you are the one that makes the effort in trying to be around?

then we come to the second point of "cost"

2- Having a relationship that drains you emotionally 

and that dose not only involve the intimate relationships
but even friendships 

*some forgets that there are really hard "friendships" 
that just keep effecting you negatively and that it has also a negative vibe 

*you have that one friend who always puts you down

*you have that one friend that always seems to ask more even when you cannot give!

*or that friendship that has no continuous follow up
if only one stops asking about the other communications stop all at once
and the relationship eventually subsides (as if that can actually happen !) 

* or having to endure verbal abuse from someone who claims to be a friend 
(even if it was out of joking only)

so to sum it all up

if any relation of any sort is costing you these two

1- waste in monetary resources

2- waste in emotional resources

consider seriously of having to somehow end that relationship 
and never ever put yourself in a position where it makes you feel awful or bad !

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