Sunday, July 7, 2013

Discouragements and Discourages

Ever wondered how come it always happens this way?
ever wondered how it came to happen that there are certain people 
who would just like to "rain on your parade" ?

truth of the matter is that there are always people who are of that sort
people who are always out there to just discourage you 

meaning people who will always have a way to just say 
that what ever you will be doing it will never be good enough 

let me show you a couple of examples 
(personal example which by the way all happened to me) 
these examples are reflected on the fact that i joined a new company
and accepted a new work challenge, in turn these example are peoples reflections towards 
me working in this new company 

Example No.1
a social gathering takes place and a "very close relative" explains
to a guest where i am working at 
(Oh Hassan is working now at this "SMALL UNKNOWN" company)

Example No.2
another social gathering takes place at a cafe, old friends from university sit together
and we exchange conversations on where we are at life
then came the question where we are working at the moment
of course i reply back i started working in a company and started in this new field
as soon as i finished my sentence, a get a complete negative feedback of how
my field is completely "YUCKY" field and that it is completely useless so to speak  
nonetheless he kept on going with completely negative comments
not even a simple good luck that would have sufficed and made the conversation better

Of course after reflecting more into these situations
i thought more about this situation and about this matter 

of course one conclusion on this matter is that 
there will always be discouragements in life
and people who have it a habit in them to discourage others

another thing i have concluded from the matter is that
there are people who never achieved in their lives 
something substantial to be worth mentioning 
once others have reach a place
they discourage them 

they never saw it in them to achieve
and be successful as you may be

of course other attributing factors to the previous point
is having envious jealousy as a byproduct of not being successful 
and not scoring an achievement

more accurately a "sore looser"
"a  sour grape" and the list goes on

but lets not shed the light on them negatively 
it is hard work and motivation that drives a person to be successful 
so for all those "people who discourage" i would like to just say
have you tried what you are discouraging of?
if not how are you basing your judgement?
moreover i would like to say maybe you are not trying hard enough ;) 

lets put it in simpler terms
Haters are always going to hate 
they will discourage you
put you down and tell you 
that what ever you are doing is not good
and that they are the best at what they do
its only there way in saying i am not good enough
and i decided to take it out on you !

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