Tuesday, December 11, 2012

but i am different !

 a topic that got my attention for some time
it is something i have noticed with some people

it is a bit irritating to see
and it is also a bit concerning 
some may or may not pay much attention to it

personally i thought that this topic must be at least 
brought up and to see what would other people think about !

now speaking of personality 
of course you are an accumulation of different things

you would be having good in you and bad in you

now after getting into that small introduction 
we get into the topic, and its some sort of a personal encounter that i had

the other day i got into some sort of disagreement with someone
it was something of a personal matter
and the other person was trying to prove a point
or more actually trying to prove himself 
by using the statement which i believe everyone heard like a dozen times already

and the statement is 

(But i am different than the rest ....)

at that point i thought to myself, how original 
stating that you are quite unlike the others

now as thought it may be true that that person is quite different that the other

one can think and point out a few things 

1- of course you are different people are this way !
2- its never original the way you prove that you are different by just saying it

and even if you said it, it will not prove it 

as the majority repel from such statements
at this current day and age 
people prefer smart articulated statements

not plain old (run of the mill) type of statements 

in fact 

if anyone believes they are different 
they won't be needing to prove it to anyone

you are individually the way you are
without any proof needed 

and as Dr.Seuss said 

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

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