Saturday, June 2, 2012

where are you going in life?

in continuation with what i have written in the previous article

about how one can find themselves all of a sudden
out of luck, and that doors keep on closing in their faces
and probably having to start all over again at any given point in life

which dose again brings another question 

where are you going in life?

naturally we are all seeking a direction to go to in life
looking for that path, road
were it will take us to 
where ever we desire to be

that job that we always wanted
that position of wealth were we wished for 
that place where we feel power !

and it dose make you always think 
and ask yourself these questions

what are you doing right now?
what is it that you want to do?
are you going anywhere?
is it a promising destination at the end?
will you feel at comfort at that place?

its all these questions that need some sort of answer
were in you cannot get the answer at the instance quickly
you need to search for it

you need to seek out for that direction, path, road in life
that you have always wanted to go through

it will be scary at first knowing that you are facing the unknown 
and that you do not know what you will be doing

and sometimes you get to carried away thinking of what could 
happen at the end of that road

and you think about the stuff there 

however you must stay clear headed 
and accept what may come 

for it is the first step to just go through 

and in the end i leave you with a proverb said by (Imam Ali A.s)

لا تستوحشوا طريق الحق لقله سالكيه 
fear not the path of truth because it is less traveled 

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