Sunday, December 19, 2010

stop being dramatic ... like URGH

a conversation i had the other day with a friend 
it made me realize that sometimes YES there are time we tend to be "dramatic"
sometimes we just tend to be overtly expressive of our emotions and/or feelings

our first point of discussion here is this point 
i have read in an article and i quote from it :

"the expression of emotion which like communication could be covert and unconscious or overt and conscious or deliberate. Emotional expressions vary according to individuals and some are more expressive and dramatic than others"

of course this statement summed up most of the ideas 
of emotions and how people
either chose to express or chose to bottle up

now that we explain that point we move onto the other point
which concerns the latter of the above statement 
YES those who "are expressive" 
(guilty as charged ...)

sometimes (also from the above statement) 
we tend to express emotions unknowingly or knowingly !

and most of the time the other person who is getting what we express
perceives it the wrong way !
(for example complaining to much or just being plain dramatic) 
it happens mostly with "females" since they are more in synced with their feelings
however "males" are no exception since expression may differ ! 

but the main idea is simple 

some of us are overtly expressive of their feelings
some of us are not

some of us UNDERSTANDS the fact that its not complain 
its just expression of feeling and some of us just cannot !

some of us need to know and understand
 that its just plain expression of feelings
not constant whining or display of drama 


some of us need to channel those expressions 
in a very healthy way

some of us need to try and learn proper wording 
in trying to express feelings ... etc

keep in mind dear readers and random viewers and passers

the next time a friend of yours (complains,whines,is being plain dramatic)
maybe they just need a break and they are just venting out their emotions
the least you can do is to try and figure out why they are doing what they are doing
then maybe you would understand it in from their own shoes !
then you are truly a good friend/listener/confidant to them =) 


  1. "some of us need to channel those expressions
    in a very healthy way

    some of us need to try and learn proper wording
    in trying to express feelings ... etc"

    Totally right and needed to be known in my culture.
