Wednesday, March 27, 2013

seek to understand, to be understood

a famous habit from a very famous author
(Stephen Covey) 
may god rest his soul 

which made me think a lot to it

its part of the 7 habits of highly effective people 
and this particular habit is the 5th habit
which is actually 

"Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood"

but what dose it mean?

well basically its a self explanatory statement 
in this day and age
misunderstanding one another is just
the big deal that is happening quite lately 

He said
She said
they said 

and everyone say something 
thus you fall into misunderstandings

thus how do you eliminate that in general ?

seek to understand first !
you don't just seek to understand 
but you seek to first know what he is trying to convey to you
as the message that he wants to send in

since everyone has one thing in their minds 
they are the right people and that they have
every single right to have everything
and to have their own say
without anyone else's 

(dictator much? lol) 

but not a  lot feel this way
yes you have a point 
and yes you would want to convey it to 
your opposing party 
but in order to exchange your point with your opposing party 
or person

you must seek to understand them 
and from understanding them 
you will be able to look into what you say
and then exchange back 
your opinion 

after that you know you will be
understood !

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