Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Drained out?

as time goes by

and as surroundings change in life
you cannot help but feel sometimes 
a bit down

or feel a bit not really doing your best

you would feel that there is something missing
that there is something out there waiting for you 
but you just don't know what it is
or how to get it !

you would feel as if you have reach a point of "saturation"
so to speak 

a stagnant point 
where you feel you are stuck at a point
and its just "Nothing"

nothing in the sense of not going either up or down
or heading towards a certain direction

or maybe heading towards a direction but its not the desired one at all

and here comes the part where i "personally" would say

" Its Totally Normal ! "

we do find ourselves in unexpected detours and turns
(as i have mentioned in previous articles)

but for now ...
how do we take the other route out of this situation ?

well we can ... live in that situation and see where it takes you to 
(not exactly recommended if you are looking for a quick solution like me)


try something out of the ordinary
keep on seeking that thing that you are looking for in life
try one day to break the monotonous routine 
(which of course brought you to this position in the first place)

and perhaps along the way you will find something 


Please share with us what you think about this matter

if you can relate to it some way or another

and share with us your story 

we all can learn from each other =)

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